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These Publications Are Run by Bug Eaters and Why We Should Laugh At Them

Hello again, everybody.I know it’s been awhile since I typed out one of these. However, I was getting annoyed by weird trend that has been appearing in the usual publications. This push to eat bugs.

This has been a thing that a bunch of #experts have been claim that bugs will be the ‘Food of the Future’ even though I bet those money that those sell outs will still be eating Prime Rib or Soylent Green (It’s people) while still pushing that crap. However, I’m not here to political (yet). I’m here to laugh at projection of the Media Publications. So, let us begin? Hooray… *throws bag of glitter*

Ah, World Economic Forum. There has never been such a place of Scum and Villainy, besides Congress or ResetEra or Reddit/Discord Mod secret forums etc. Moving on, this article is mostly BS when it come to cost. The only reason that it’s more costly to raise Cows and Pigs now is because of the “COOF” and inflation that was caused by the “COOF”. I was able to get and make chicken sandwiches easy back in 2019. The farms shouldn’t had to shut down. They are ACTUALLY essential and many of them were shut down many farms that could afford to protect themselves. Let’s move on to the next dribble!

I was originally going to roast National Geographic’s “Edible” bugs list, but those dingle berries wanted me to subscribe to their crap. So, I went to Backpackers instead. Are they just as shameful? Yee! However, this is more like punishing a child for their parent’s war crimes. So, I’ll hold back. A little…

They have some weird choices on here that I really want to point call out. They are not in particular order. Bees, wasp, and scorpions are on this list. These bugs are EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. They have stingers and venom that kill people if not careful. They do point out that you have to remove the stingers and/or cook them to make them edible. However, they are dangerous insects and might take you out before you even have the crazy thought of making them a “snack”.

Stink bugs being on this list is like telling people to eat dong beetles. That is a real uphill battle. Crickets and snails have been in public conscious forever due to cultures like India and France respectively. However, I honestly don’t believe that these countries will push you to eat them. Not like these weird sites anyway.

I’m gonna end this section on with worm like creatures like maggots, earthworms, and grubs. This is starting to make me believe that Thomas Rockwell’s How to Eat Fried Worms turn into a weird manifesto for actually bug eaters. No thank you! Leave the creepy crawlers for birds and fish which we ACTUALLY eat.

Oh god, The Conversation! This digital rag makes me sicker than the ACTUAL bug articles. This is the last article that I’ll be going through. So, let’s end this madness.

This article starts with the usual droll about running low on resources for earth’s population. This is easily solved by actually teaching kids about farming in schools. Farming gets a bad reputation thanks to the big cities acting high and mighty over rural farmers for decades. That lead to the profession being extremely on popular to most. This doesn’t help that most people don’t know how to plant flower bed let alone start a vegetable patch. I know people worked at chicken plants and hated it. However, the skills learned there could help them in the long run. Stop give farming and meat produce workers a bad rep and a future generation of potential farms will rise. Thank you!

“Some of the protein produced for livestock feed comes from sources that may be unsustainable and harmful to the environment.”

Wait a minute! How is HAY dangerous for the environment? We’ve been feeding cows, horses, and other animals for decades. Now, they are saying that it’s dangerous. I swear if people are getting upset over cow toots then the human needs to stop tooting too. This is stupid.

Would eating up bugs lead to the environment issues as well? Earthworms help soften the ground to make soil, dirt, and sand that helps the growth of grass and trees. While I have a phobia of bees, I know they are important for not only honey but plant fertilization. Maggot and grasshoppers might have other purposes, but they are a food source for other animals. This keeps most of said animals out of the endangered species list. This push for bug eating will just lead us to more problems.


Well, that was a mess to go through. I wanted to go over this topic because the rise of these publications like Bloomberg wanting to push bugs as the new meat. I disagree in a logical standpoint. I’ve read dumb arguments for this including comparing crabs and shrimp to insects. This argument is defeated by the fact that insects do not have an actual meat inside them. Insects are mostly organs and exoskeleton while shrimp, crab, and lobsters have genuine meat in their tails or limbs. You can’t say that it’s morally better than eating beef, poultry, and pork because bugs are living creatures as well. The less that I talk about germs, illness, and poisonings the better compared to easily cleaned and prepped meat. If the concern is lack of food, you guys have to treat agricultural jobs and other trade jobs better to spark young people interest in these fields. Let independent farmers run there farms as essential to society not just the corporate stooges. In short, eat your food groups, and tell these ‘Buggies’ to stop telling you what to eat. Thank you for reading. Peace.


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