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My Problems With Pokémon Sword and Shield (Why Sun and Moon Might Be My Endgame)

I'm going to be honest here that I've been turned off on buying Sword and Shield for awhile now. The more information that has come out about this game. My choice to never get this game for my future Nintendo Switch becomes easier. Like my DBS Rants and Dramarama blog, I will breakdown my thoughts into categories. Without further ado, let’s begin.

No Megas, Mo Problems

I want to get my problem with this out of the way because it will be short and to the point. Game Freak discontinuing Megas is a major disappointment. Not only there are Pokémon that fans have wanted Megas for years like Flygon and Yanmega. Pokémon like the Gold/Silver and Sinnoh starters never getting ones are big headscratchers since I can see those being BIG selling points. They could easily give out five to six Pokémon per a new game/generation. However, Mega evolution now being discontinued makes little sense, and should have at least been given out to Pokémon that REALLY need it. RIP The Mega Feraligatr Dream. Let's continue.

Cutting Pokemon (and my Grievances with Pokémon Home)

Now, this is where the headaches begins? How did this suddenly become a problem to transfer certain past Pokémon/Teams to the newer games again? I know this was a problem with the transition between Gen 1 (Red and Blue etc.) and Gen 2 (Gold and Silver etc.) with Gen 3 (Ruby and Sapphire etc.). However, the Diamond and Pearl era (2006) fixed this issue, and it has now resurfaced in 2019+. Why? The answer is clear! Two Words: POKÉMON HOME! I want you to think about this with me. Certain Pokémon can't be transferred from "Home" to Sword and Shield. You can't send your other mons back either from Home. It's a cloud service that will most likely have a subscription fee. Say it with me now: Your Pokémon Will Be Locked Behind A Flimsy PAYWALL! At least with the PokéBank, you could transfer ALL your leftover mons to a compatible game when you can't pay your subscription. If you transferred your Feraligatr to Home while your broke/unemployed and the sub is running out, Good Luck! Don't Use Pokémon Home! The red flags are real...

Dude, Where's My Features?

Not having Battle Frontier or Super Training return didn't exactly bother me at first. After finding many people miss these, they have my condolences because losing PSS, Poké Tournament, and OG Wonder Trade hurts me just as much. Let's just say becoming a Low-Tier Pokémon Breeder just got more useless. Again, thank you for the roster cut, GAME FREAK! /s

Dynamaxing (Them Big'ns!)

Dumb, Broken, and Basically Doomed To Fail! At least with Mega Evolutions and Z-moves, they held an item slot to keep things balanced. Smogon doesn't want anything to do with this mess. I don't either.

Perma-Exp Share (Removing True Strategy and Choice)

I'll admit I did use it in the recent games, but I would turn it off to help certain Pokémon catch up in levels. Since others like to have it on or off all game, it removes choice for one side, and keeps the other satisfied. It's like they were trying to get rid of one side of their fan base while pandering to the other. *cough*Total Drama World Tour*cough* *cough*Last Jedi*cough* *cough*Star Vs*cough* *hack*Voltron-Korra*hack* Excuse me...

The Conclusion

I started writing this rant in October 29th, 2019, but I'm recently recovering from Writer's Block. Now, that the games are actually out now. My problems were given more confirmation including the story being messy. I made the decision to make Pokémon Sun be my last official Pokémon game. After finishing Persona 5 and Digimon Cyber Sleuth awhile back, I realize how the Pokemon franchise needs its backbone again. If it doesn't, I can see another franchise coming in to get its much needed due. *prays hard for the epic return of Monster Rancher*




Nah, it's gonna be TemTem out of nowhere. Good night, everbody.

  • Drinking: Coke

  • Eating: Hamburgers

  • Listening to: Don't Touch The P5 Protag by Botanic Sage

  • Games that I'm currently playing: Dragon Ball FighterZ, Spiderman PS4, Minecraft and Monster Hunter World

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