Captain's Log #2820: Turkey Thursday
Original Posted: Nov 30, 2013
Note: This blog was originally made on 11/28/13, but was postpone because of my job. *putting on on a chain mail* Hello again, everybody! *putting on shoulder pads* Harold: What are you doing? Preparing for war. *puts on knee pads* Harold: It's about Total Drama All-Stars final two. Is it? Yup. *put mouth guard in* Harold: You know you're in for it, right. I mean, Gosh. You are one of the few people who is... Shush! If we gonna talk about this at least let me set up the Spoiler Filled Zone! All right. -------------Spoiler Filled Zone-------------
Time for another thoughts thing for the most recent episode of TDAS. Fantastic. Here we go. *puts on helmet* Things that I liked: Zoey finally putting it together! And calling out her own stupidity of the situation. Gwen doing the first piece art that she's done in years. Mal being Mal = THAT IS ALL. Scott stealing the show for one last time. Scott and Zoey one conversation at the end setting the tone for the finale. Mal The Mountain King vs. Zoey the Shrinking Violet, Hidden BA. I APPROVE THIS! GO ZOEY! That's My Girl! Challenge Queen for the win!
Harold: Wait, who's Challenge King? You. Harold: Oh, right. *clears throat* [suavely] Of course I am. Things that I didn't like: Besides the Gwen confirming she's never coming back, and storytime with Uncle Scott being over. I have no gripes with this episode. I can't wait for the finale. Don't take my word for it. Go see it yourself. ---------End of Spoiler Filled Zone---------- *angry howls can be heard outside* Sam: *dressed in Skyrim armor carrying a giant hammer* Prepare yourselves; The butthurt is coming. Naruto: Whooooooa! That's a lot of angry people! Harold: *dressed in Hashirama's outfit plus the Samurai helmet from the Japan episode aka one of the worst episodes in the series* This looks bad! Very bad! Gohan: Darn it. So many people. I got to hold back on. Kenichi: Come on, guys. It can't be that- *sees crowd* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH! I want to go home!! I feel no fear for this what so ever. Naruto: How!?! There's thousands of angry people out there!! To be brutally honest, I always find myself supporting unpopular opinions for example: I think Harold's one of the best competitors in TD even if he is a parody of Napoleon Dynamite. I think Naruto is still good, and the only glaring problem in the series is Madara. I like Dragonball GT. I like the Pixar's Cars series. I defended Quilladin once. I really have no ill will about what other people's opinions are as long as they don't bash my own. Besides, this team was formed to defend not go on the offensive. When they strike, we make our move! Get Ready! Naruto: RIGHT! The Opposing Crowd: RAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!
Cameron: They're closing in! Temari: Hmph. *unsheaths sword and raises it in the air* Charge!!
And so the Great Opinions War was raged for two hours until they realized that fighting over opinions is dumb, and went home to eat thanksgiving dinner. There was much rejoicing.
Happy Thanksgiving
coming soon...
TDAS Thoughts Finale -
Final Wreckoning X Final Thoughts
Mood: Optimism
Playing: Pokemon Y
Eating: Lemon Merigue Pie
Drinking: Water