Captain's Log #1203: The Working
Originally Posted: Nov 20, 2013
Hello again, guys and gals. It has been hectic these last few weeks for me. I pass the job interview that I talked about on the last Captain's Log, and got the job. The Graveyard shift however is starting to take its toll on me. Therefore, I had to move last week's stuff to this week. I don't know how I having this job will affect future projects, but until then I hope I will soon have room to balance things. In addition, my mom was sent into the hospital in one of the nearby cities for a small heart attack all of last week, which also put much unneeded pressure on me that already was there. Meanwhile in the same hospital, my cousin also had her first baby. So yeah! I think occupied is the word that 100% described what happened to me last week and a few days ago. Anyway without further ado... -------------Spoiler Filled Zone-------------
Obstacle Kill Course: Great
Things that I liked: Mal vs. Al was spectacular. Are they using the mundane task of Mike's personalities to show how he got them? For example: Chester came to be because of a skateboard accident or Svetlana came to be by slipping on butter while practicing gymnastics in the kitchen while his mom was cooking fish. If that's the case, I like it. It's being subtle about it except creating nightmare fuel. Scott stealing the show again. ALEJANDRO FINALLY LEAVES!!!! Things that I didn't like: Where was THIS Alejandro in Season 3!?! I would of liked him much better if he struggled like this more! I feel like Zoey is taking Mal with her to the mansion to keep in eye on him. Yet, I can't shake off the feeling that she's basically the Harold to Mike's Leshawna meaning that I'm in for a headache.
Sundae Muddy Sundae:
Things that I liked: Mal. Gwen. [Repeat my Mike's personality theory here] Scott once again stealing the show. Mmm...Ice Cream. Dramanator, Holy Smoly! Things that I didn't like: Courtney: Like Alejandro, you almost had me this season. Now like Al, you cemented your spot in my despised list. I'm glad you're gone! You and Al both need to take notes from SCOTT of all people on how to be likable! Why is the Zoey suspecting Mal plot keeps going on and off? It's dragging out the inevitable which is stupid. Anyway, don't take my word for it. Go see it yourself. ---------End of Spoiler Filled Zone---------- *wipes sweat off head* Woo! I guess that's it for tonight, folks. Time for me to prepare for tomorrow. Until then. Good night, all! Walter: Welcome to Wal-mart, get your *beep* and get out!