Captain's Log #383: Mega-Hoenn Edition
Originally Posted: Jun 7, 2014
Yeap. It was confirmed awhile ago that the Hoenn remakes known as Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire were coming this fall. Today, Coro Coro gave us some info about it, and this was a doozy. The Protagonists', Team Magma/Aqua's, and Steven's new looks were revealed along Mega forms of the Hoenn Starters. I must say they look interesting especially Mega-Sceptile which I'm hoping it gets a good-
Mega-Sceptile: Grass/Dragon with Lightning Rod
Grass/Dragon with Lightning Rod
*Hype Multiplies*
Hory Snit! First, Mega Charizard X getting Dragon typing. Now, Mega-Sceptile! I swear if I don't get a Dragon or Ice secondary typing from Mega-Feraligatr after this! I will be upset! *calms down* Anyway, I'm excited for this game. If you guys wondered what I've been doing since the last blog, my hometown in Mississippi was hit hard by tornados a good while back. My family members and I were some of the lucky ones to not have our houses hit; however, one to two weeks without cold ice water started to get to me. Everything quickly got back to normal since then, but the damage still shows. I just hope something like this won't happen again. To end on a high note, I finally finished chapter one of my graphic novel. I'm currently working on chapter 2. Once I reach chapter 5, I'm planning on revealing the series on this site. I just hope nothing else slows down the production of this thing. I should of been on the second volume at this point. Either way, I hope to see you guys later. I'm working on some new side art to keep things from feeling abandon on my account. So again, see you later.
(Godzilla '14 and ASM2 were awesome!)
Mood: Stuck
Listening to: E.R. by Joe
Reading: More Pokemon Info
Eating: Cheese Sticks
Drinking: Coke