Captain's Log #2014: New Year Rhapsody #2
Originally Posted: Jan 8, 2014
Warning Wall of Text
Hello again, folks. It's a New Year meaning a somewhat new groove from me. And I got news. *looking through papers* News, news. *hits paper* Bingo! If some of you haven't found out already, I've now founder of my first fanclub. I know you guys are thinking. What the heck is this ship? Why would you ship that they never met? Well, Harold has been one of my favorite characters in TD since Season 1, and Zoey was a favorite of mine since season 4. They both have mad skills and possibly one of the most powerful characters in series (which is why I call it the mad skills ship). They are both dedicated to their canon love interest to point that I find myself questioning why they would be. They are both controversial characters in the show with Harold's Courtney issue and being very dorky and Zoey being labeled a sue from the start. Zoey has insecurity issues, yet Harold believes in himself no matter what. We've seen Harold talk a certain girl about her insecurities before so I don't see him having a problem with Zoey. They both have loner backgrounds that seem to yet be explored. Harold seems to lost loner status once he met Philonius before the show started. Zoey seems to only had real friendships once she met Mike, Cameron, and Gwen. However, I think the main reason that I ship it is the feeling of that if these characters met each first that they hit it off well. Harold looks like he would be Zoey's type (Glasses and Retro clothes). Zoey looks like a perfect match for Harold character wise (She seems to come off as all the girls that I've seen Harold show some interest in composed into one character). Yeah, it's not the best explanation, but I always had problem speaking my mind anyway. Yet, I still looking for members to join. Therefore if you like it. Join the club. *looking through papers again* Next, my thoughts on games that are supposed to come out some point. Persona 5: WANT! Persona 4 Dancing Game: Meh. Smash Bros for 3DS: Mario, Sonic, and Megaman and Roselina in the same game! The world can't hold my WANT! Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth: A possible want, but since I haven't beat Etrian Odyssey yet. I might put this on hold. Persona 4 Arena 2: I haven't played the first one yet. So, that might be on hold too. Kingdom Hearts 3: I don't have a PS4 yet. However, it will be the first game I'll get when I do. Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution (THAT LONG NAME!): WANT! J-Stars Victory Vs: If it gets US release. WANT! As for my job, it was just for the holidays, but I was told that they would try to get me back in if I reapply again. So, yeah I'm here til they find room for me again. As new projects go, I don't have any set in stone. Though, I'm working on my novel again since I got more inking pens. However, I'm hoping to get photoshop and/or a graphic tablet in the near future to probably keep that type problem from happening, but that's pipe dreaming by how pricy those things are. Also, made these recently as well. Just in case that you missed them.
I think that all I got to ramble for now. So, I'll see you guys later and a very late Happy New Year. >insert some Dawn of an Era speech here<
Mood: Optimism
Listening to: Mary Jane by Joe
Playing: Final Fantasy IX on PSVita
Eating: Apples
Drinking: Water