TDAS Thoughts - Final Wreck-ning X Final Thoughts
Originally Posted: Dec 3, 2013
Harold: So, it's not gonna be a segment, but a full blog this time. Yep. Harold: How's this one gonna go? Section 1 will be Things and Characters that I liked Section 2 will be Things and Characters that I disliked It's not that well organized, but it will work for me. Harold: All right then get started. -------------Spoiler Filled Zone------------- Final Wreck-ning: Good (would of been Great if AH wasn't consuming the plot again) Overall Season: Watchable Section 1
Things that I liked: Mal being Mal for the last time. King Chef, that is all. Mike and Mal final conversation was brilliant. CamGwen is a thing. I APPROVE THIS! Mike's goodbye to his personalities. Owen's cameo! Fang is about to eat the most stomach destroying couple in series by far, I got ketchup of ya need need it, Sharko. Haha! Sinking the island because I really think it needs to happen. The creators of the show were really depending on that location too much as is. Mike wins. Eventhough, I was rooting for Zoey. I'm glad if either won. Congrats, Mike.
Characters I liked for the overall season (Most to Least):
Zoey - She definitely improved this season! Saving Mike for once, winning challenges, having a few funny moments, and her friendship with Gwen and Cam. In my opinion, she will be my personal winner.
Gwen - Dumps Douchen, possible hook up with Iron Cam, and realizing that Courtney was not worth her time. My favorite girl from Gen 1 was back. I approve!
Scott - When I thought Sam would adopt Harold's god-like entertainment value, it was Scott who obtained it. Story Time with Uncle Scott will be missed, and it was a great sequel to the McGrady Chronicles.
Cameron - I never thought I'd see the day that Scott would out rank Cam. SAM even! Poor Cam got slung around the plot-nado this season. Sierra's new target of lust, thinking everyone was out to get him, sent to the villians team, and saved from elimination twice until being took out in medical leave. It was worth in the end. I hope CamGwen is actually a thing.
Mike - Stepped up with his quest in the later episodes, brought an actual dark and monstrous villain with him, turn BA in the season finale, and had me crying when he said goodbye to his other personalities.
Sam - Sam is gonna be here extremely for his battle with Al in Episode 4. He should of been in Al's place in episode 10 because Sam being one of the people to try to out Mal would be interesting with the right writer! He should been in here with an actual purpose! Not elimination fodder!
Lindsay - Like Sam, she definitely did not deserve to be elimination fodder. Yet, something years supply of lip stick was not worth coming back. You will be missed.
Section 2
Things I didn't like: Aleheather is an actual thing. Meaning parts of this episode and Heather is ruined for me. EAT 'EM UP, FANG!!! Death of Alfred the Bro Butler And possibly the other 8 members of the cast..
Characters I disliked for the overall season (Most to Least):
Alejandro - The writers prove once again that Alejandro is an unlikable cretin who is overpowered, as interesting as Mr. Bones' Wild Ride, and only likable because of shipping and fangirl lust. And YES! It was worth repeating!!! Al versus Mal was grand though.
Heather - I rather you'd hooked up with Harold, Scott, or that *EFF*ing Croc more than Alejandro. Yet, your only plot throughout your appearances was you and Al. You want to be with him. Then be with him on my low ranking of this season.
Courtney - ...
Jo - Beside myself wanting more of the Jo-Heather rivalry, I can't rank her any higher. Sorry.
Lightning - HAHAHAHA!
Duncan - Duncan was actually worthwhile this season. His crisis was probably his best arc. However, he really got a huge "be careful of what you wish" ending that pretty much wrapped his arc up well.
Sierra - She disappointed me this season. I was hoping she would get development outside of her Cody-lust, but unfortunately...*sigh* She was still pretty funny. So, that's why she out ranked Duncan which is a good thing.
So, was this season better than World Tour? Watching snails race is better than watching that mess! Not the Turbo kind either. Was it TDI and TDRI tier? Sadly no. Was it TDA tier? Pretty much. Watch it for the Uncle Scott, Mal the Mountain King, Mike's inside story, Zoey being awesome, Based Mike in the Finale, and CamGwen. Everything else makes you throw your TV. Yet, don't take my word for it. Go see it yourself. ---------End of Spoiler Filled Zone---------- Well, I got that out of the way. I think this will be my last time ever doing these things. Mostly, I'm not the critic type. Yet, if people want me to try and critique any thing else. I could try to work around it during my days off. But, until then. Good Night. Harold: Wait! How am I NOT an All Star!?!
Mood: Tired
Playing: Pokemon Y
Eating: Lemon Merigue Pie
Drinking: Water