Well, this stinks...
Originally Posted: Oct 29, 2015
Hello again, folks. Bad news, I finally got the replacement Monoprice pen. Unfortunately, I found out my Turcom tablet is busted as well meaning that I have buy a whole new one. If any of you readers have any suggestions of a decent tablet under 60 bucks, I would like to read about it in the comments. Also, this means many projects are put on hold for the time being which leads to my next point. I'm cancelling Total Drama Halloween II. It was suppose to be one of my Total Drama Fan final projects which is why introduced many ideas that went over people's heads. However, thanks to Ridonculous Race being good. I might continue doing more TD stuff including going in dept about my ideas. Until then, you guys are going to have to wait again. This was another mistake entirely on my end.
Mood: Annoyed
Drinking: Water