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Captain's Log #915: Do You Remember

Originally Posted: Sep 1, 2015

Hello again, everybody. It's time again for more (belated) news, updates, thoughts, and general ramblings. So, let us begin. I've finally opened my website. It is a little bootleg, but it's more for promotion than anything. If I really had my way, I'd probably have endless R&B music playing in the site. Of course, the copyright strike ninjas would come out the wood works to ruin my day. Anyhow, the site is up, and ready to be browsed. Enjoy! In other news, I'm currently enrolling for a career help program. The instructor said that I would go every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon. I might not be online much those days, but I will try to work on any new pieces/projects. Speaking of projects, I will continue to work on TDH2 later this week. Like I've said in a past log, I will upload all finished ones during October to celebrate Halloween. I just hope nothing will cause delays again besides my tablet pen. Before I move on, I'm thinking about uploading the first three strips of Biscuit Man since the series is discontinued. Since I've hyped up the series for weeks, I have feeling that some one out there wants to see it. If I do, emphasis on if, I just hope no one steals my idea. To move on to news, Total Drama: The Ridonculous Race will premiere on September 7th in the US. I still not going to get my hopes up, but I will say one thing: I like Don much more than I ever liked Chris just from the US promo alone. To wrap things up with #GamerGate stuff, things seem to be the usual for time being. People are either emailing advertisers or discussing at the usual hubs. However, another Airplay is in the works for February. Let's just hope for no more bomb threats. PLEASE! I believe that is it. As usual, I will talk about any other subjects in the next log. And I'll see guys later. Peace! Recent Uploads (I didn't say works because some of these are old.):

  • Mood: Neutral

  • Listening to: Hey Lover by Charlie Wilson

  • Playing: Phoenix Wrigh 3: Trials and Tribulations

  • Eating: Snacks


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