Captain's Log #20000: After the Storm
Originally Posted: Aug 23, 2015
Hello again, everybody. It's time again for (belated) news, updates, thoughts, and general ramblings. So, let us begin. I just finished my third Biscuit Man comic strip which should appear on the Winston County Journal's August 26th paper. I'm planning to talk with the publisher on that same day to turn this into a paid job. I'll try to update when I get an answer. This still means some projects are on hold until then. Sorry again, folks. I'll try to make this up to you guys somehow. For where I'm standing now, we all are going to have to wait and see. Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 (DAT NAME) has been put on delay until next year. I know that I'm late on this one, and I apologize. In the meantime, the full version of the opening song, Spiral by Kana-BOON, is out so people can jam to that while they wait. To the #GamerGate stuff, #SPJAirplay went well for the most part until the Bomb Threat Frenzy 2.0 happened which delayed the talk for a good hour or so. The debate was then moved in front of somebody's house. For the aftermath, more developers are speaking out against the opposition. Meanwhile, a Rise: Miami News now has a GamerGate Topic page. In my opinion, things are looking up for the most part with more good on its way. To finish up, I reached over 20,000 Pageviews! Thank you all for the support and interest of my work. I just uploaded the piece that I promised to celebrate. That is all for today, and I will see you guys later. Peace! Recent Works:
Mood: Joy
Listening to: Spiral by Kana-BOON
Eating: Chicken Spagetti
Drinking: Barq's Root Beer