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Captain's Log #1015: Go Ahead, Take Two

Originally Posted: Aug 10, 2015

Hello again, everybody. It's time again for (belated) news, updates, thoughts, and general ramblings. So, let us begin. The Biscuit Man strip has been getting some positive feed so far. So, I'm have a second strip appearing this week on the August 12th's paper. I'm hoping to see more positive feedback about it soon. It is one of my oldest series ideas along with the graphic novel that I'm holding back on finishing because money. Once I start being paid for my new strips, I might start uploading older strips for archive reasons. So, I'll try to keep you guys up to date. Part 6 of Total Drama Halloween 2 is on hold until I fine more time for it. I hate that this big project is being continuously delayed as much as you guys. However, I want to see where my comic strips will take me. Then, I will try to find time for all the parts. Also, I'm reaching 20,000 pageviews. Since I haven't been making that many new pieces, I will do a 20,000 celebration picture. Since I'm working with a broken tablet pen, I might not get to upload it until late. So as usual, keep in eye out for anything new. To move away from my stuff, I will talk about We Bare Bears. From what I've seen, it seems to be a pretty good series. If I could pick a favorite main bear, it would be Ice Bear hands down. He's an one-liner machine and me in bear form. If I could pick a favorite episode, it would be the backpack one. Again, you don't have to take word on it. Go watch it yourself. To wrap things up again with #GamerGate stuff, Airplay is this Saturday meaning there's going to be a storm-a-comin'. Again, I personally can see it as a winning situation no matter how it goes. I just hope we don't get another DC false bomb threat situation again. Since Koretzky is working to make sure nothing like that happens, I have no fear. I believe that it for now. So, I hope to see you guys later. Peace! Ice Bear: ICE BEAR WANTS JUSTICE.

  • Mood: Daily Needs

  • Listening to: You Don't Have To Call by Usher

  • Playing: Chrono Trigger DS

  • Eating: Chicken Tenders and Wild Rice

  • Drinking: Water


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