Captain's Log #51515: Road To SummerWeen
Originally Posted: May 20, 2015
Hello again, everbody. It's time for (belated) news, updates, thoughts, and general ramblings. So, let us begin. If you wonder what the title stands for besides the Gravity Falls reference, I'm starting to work on Total Drama Halloween 2 again. However, I'm trying to get a new pen for my tablet. Since, the one that I've been using has been broken since the second day that I had it. I will still work on TDH2 while working this out. Meanwhile, I've gotten into two anime. One is Air Gear which I've finished, and only recommend for older teens and adults because nudity. I'm thinking about truly finishing the series by reading the manga, but that might come in a later date. The second one is Hero Tales which is oddly the one that I first watched between the two, but is the one that I haven't finished yet. I'm enjoying this one; however, it hasn't pulled me in as Air Gear did. I will bring it up again in a later log, yet it's recommendable so far. Also, they are creating an new Dragon Ball series named Dragon Ball Super. My original reaction to this news was a hearty smile. All I hope is that it not only takes place after the end of Z, but it handle characters like Uub and Pan with some respect. I'm still waiting for Teen/Adult Goten to finally gets some recognition like my childhood fanfics <strike>also Holy Saiyan Goten was Super Saiyan God before it was cool.</strike>. Speaking of Dragon Ball, Xenoverse's 3rd DLC pack is coming in June 9th for at least Japan. Meanwhile, they're having having a couple campains to ties us off until then. From May 21 to May 27, the game will increase score/exp by 25%. As, May 28 to June 3 will increase the money/zeni by the same amount. Since I'm a few levels away from making all my characters the max level, I'm definitely going to use that experience boost. As I said before, I hope to see everybody online. To wrap up this log, I end with more #GamerGate news and thoughts. Surprisingly, the SPJ wants to hold a debate about ProGG's ethical concerns with gaming journalism. Unsurprisingly, AntiGG wants it to be about harassment and their other lies. It seems that the person behind debate wants to appease to both sides which is fine by me. Because, ProGG has facts and evidence while AntiGG has guilt by association and baiting. So, I believe this will end well no matter the results. Also, we have new site called Deepfreeze. I made a Deepfreeze-tan for the site which I'm planning on updating soon. If there's anything else that needs to be brought up, I'll put it in the next blog. Otherwise, I'll see you guys later. Peace. Most recent artwork:
Mood: Daily Needs
Listening to: Juggle by Case
Reading: for grammar mistakes
Drinking: Water