Captain's Log #Ones and Twos 3: For Truth
Originally Posted: Dec 3, 2014
Hello again, everybody. I need to apologize about the delay with finishing Total Drama Halloween 2. Things have been hectic for last two months with personal and GamerGate stuff. As of now, I do have time to spill some metaphorical beans. Let's begin. I updated my Patreon Rewards in early November. You can go check it out see if it's okay. I'm looking for honest feedback on this because I do want this Patreon thing to work out. Even if it doesn't, I'll still keep making what I make. Along with this, I finished a new logo recently, and I'm hoping people like it. Around that time, I was going on a grocery run with my dad, and picked up Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution (That NAME!). The game is fun, but don't play it in one sitting. I've found myself going through this game surprisingly fast. I can recommend for collection sake or you just want to play something like I did. Otherwise, you can just wait for Storm 4. As for Thanksgiving and Black Friday, my family had move to Thanksgiving dinner to a Sunday because of people's work schedule. As for Black Friday, I just bought an Art set and a few early Christmas presents for my mother. I was planning on getting Pokemon ORAS or Super Smash Bros 3DS, but the store got so crazy that I'm planning on getting both at some point this month. To wrap things up on an inspirational note, I know I said that I would only talk about GamerGate when something happened to me. However, I feel like getting a few things out of my chest. About Internet Aristocrat submitting to the Yoko Effect bailing out, this WILL NOT stop GamerGate from continuing. Besides, the opposition have already made themselves look dumb already. I didn't come into GamerGate because Twee Fiddy. I took the Pro-GamerGate side for the protection of creative freedom as well as free speech and the treatment of people. At the same time, I want to help with ethics of Gaming Journalism, and hope other forms of media follow suit. There are things that people do that I honestly don't approve, but I will for sure fight for their individual right to do it. If GamerGate falls today, tomorrow, or next week, I will keep following my beliefs. This is not just about my opinions, it is for truth. Have a nice day, everybody. Captain America: This nation was founded on one principle above all else: the requirement that we stand up for what we believe, no matter the odds or the consequences. When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move, your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth, and tell the whole world — "No, you move." My most recent artwork:
Mood: Disbelief
Listening to: Hulk Hogan's Theme - I Am A Real American
Eating: Leftovers
Drinking: Kool-Aid (NB4 "He's drinking their Koolaid")