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Captain's Log #315: OmegaReturn XV

Originally Posted: Mar 5, 2015

Hello again, ladies and gentleman. I have returned from Texas (I returned home night of the 2/22 for the record) with a bit news, thoughts, and other ramblings. If you want to know about my trip, it was okay even though I had a cold most of the time. Any how let's get down to business. A few days after making back, I finally got Pokemon OmegaRuby. I'm now looking around for megastones before I go sweep the Elite Four. I'm having a good time so far. However, I'm starting to see people's problem with the new experience all. I'm winning battles yes, but my challenge now is trying to catch a new pokemon without my main team wiping it clean. But, this is my opinion. As for commission rules, it's going through the proofreading stage. I will upload it around the same time that I officially put up the commission widget. Which, I'm planning to do maybe this weekend or start of next week. On Dragon Ball Revival of F, Frieza's new form was revealed early this week. I admit that I enjoy the coloring of it. It fits Frieza's personality as well puts some irony into the mix. I would say more however I won't ruin the surprise for people who doesn't want to be spoiled. As for Dragon Ball Xenoverse, I was fight with myself about waiting for a PS4 price drop then get that and the game. Or, I just get the PS3 version because I can. However, I finally made up my mind to get the PS3 version. Then, I was informed that the day 1 physical copies were probably sold out meaning no SS4 Vegeta since my PS3 is full as is. Atleast, I still can get Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta. Now to wrap things up with more #GamerGate stuff. Last night, Tim "Money Burner" Schafer mocks #NotYourShield which added more fuel to the fire. I'm not upset by this in the slightest because it just proves Pro-GG (which includes me) point even harder. These corrupt journos, indie con artist like Schafer, and the sjw white knights that support them are just in it for the perks and money. If you calls them out for it, they will throw anyone under a bus in a heartbeat, and harrass them off the web. My advice to my Pro-GamerGate friends is to don't let this rile you up because this is what anti-GG wants. Anti-GG like using anything we say about an individual, and take it out of context to make it seem as people are talking about everybody who is the same race, gender, or sexuality. They want Pro-GG mad because it is the only way the Anti-GG sjws and the corrupt indie devs/journos can stay relevant. Stay calm and spread information about their wrong doings. Anti-GG and the journos lost a long time ago, and are trying to pull every underhanded trick in the book to smear and shut things down. We just have to just watch, wait, and show, because the only thing that they can do now is stew in their own mess. Hehe, I admit I got little preachy at the end there. Well, I hope everyone has a nice day. Peace!

  • Mood: Eager

  • Listening to: Turn Off The Lights by Charlie Wilson

  • Drinking: Kool-Aid


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