Captain's Log #952: More News At 11
Originally Posted: Sep 5, 2014
I'll go ahead, and apologize for the informal start. Holy crap, there's too many things that I want to discuss.
The first will be about my Patreon account: I made this for people who want to support me. For now, most of my fanart, side projects, and one shots will be backed by Patreon until I find it no longer necessary. I was hoping to give out rewards; however, I honestly don't have any ideas as of now. So, I'll bring it up later when one or two come to mind. To make this clear, you have a choice if you want to do this or not. I'm not going to try and convince anyone. Next, I want to talk about the TDPI Thoughts Blog from awhile ago. I will admit that I was very harsh in part 2. If I made people feel uncomfortable, I'm sorry. However, I won't take back what I said. People know I hate Alejandro as a character, and I feel like he destroys any chances of other characters growing into something that I can see them becoming. Al is pretty much the ultimate development killer, because the writers keep having to ruin other characters (especially my favorites) to make him look good. Moreover, I still want Leonard to get focused on because I want him to be the one male nerd character that the writers handled correctly without messing him up completely later on. If Fresh read it as well, I'm sorry I was rude, but I felt like I had to speak my mind even if it hit harder than I wanted, but I am still on the verge of dropping this show if they mess up again. I just hope this doesn't change anybody's opinion of me. Now, I move on to Dragonball Xenoverse which I'm expecting many of you wanted my thoughts on. I am 100% loving what this game is turning out to be so far. I'm just hoping for a few things:
GT Characters Return (SS4 Transformations, Baby, Super 17, etc.)
At least ten created character slots. (I have too many character ideas to just waste on one/three slots. However, I do have one character that I'm willing to bring back from Ultimate Tenkaichi.)
What If Characters (Adult Gotenks, SS3 Broly/Vegeta, and Future Gohan to name a few.)
I know that everyone of these won't make it, but I'm hoping that I'm wrong. I'm definitely excited for this game, and hoping it makes up for DBZ Ultimate Tenkaichi's average feel.
Last and not least, I discuss my belated thoughts of Pokémon ORAS so far. The new mega were okay, but Mega Salamance and Mega Metagross are the only ones that I care for. I'm also hoping to create my own gym with the new hidden bases, and I'm planning on it to be like Blue's in HG/SS. In addition, I hope to get the game before they stop distributing the Shiny Metagross. Before I go, here's my short reaction to the Persona 5 and Dragon Quest Heroes trailers:
"Let the games begin..."
So, good night, everybody. And I hope you all sleep well. Most recent art work:
Mood: Tired
Listening to: Virtual Insanity by Jamiroquai
Reading: About Gates, Burgers, and Leeks apparently
Drinking: Water