Captain's Log #45: Now What
Originally posted: Sep 18, 2013
Hello again, guys and gals. Well, Harold's Facebook is finally over. I hope everyone liked the ending and the series as a whole. I feel like finally have one big weight off my shoulders. So, I'll like to thank you all for the support. I wouldn't have done it without you. Now, I will answer the lingering questions. Will I do more TD stuff? Probably. It's going to be more Harold stuff, Is it? Yes, because he's my favorite character. Therefore, my Harold-thon might be over, but it doesn't mean that I will stop using him in my fan works. Will you do any other characters? Harold will be my main TD character, but I will have Heather, Trent, Sam, Cameron, B, Zoey, possibly Gwen, Izzy, and Cody + Sierra make the most appearances. --------Spoiler Filled Zone--------- Now, I will talk about my thoughts of TDAS last night. Another good episode, which surprised me. Sam being a bro. Sierra being cute, awesome, and weird at the same time, which is oddly working on me more than usual. She's actually moving herself to being one of my faves. Good job, Fresh! Zoey brings her A-game. In addition, the most anticipated rise of the Dark Mike! Lightning, that is all. Scott actually getting out of my scrap heap. Jo vs. Heather being fun and great. Manitoba *EFF*ing Smith! Now, the best thing ever: Duncan calls Gwen doll face. "The hacker" calls Gwen doll face in Harold's Facebook a few days before. Coincidence? Yes. Is it scary that it actually happened? Yes, actually. I think this confirms that I'm psychic, people. Yeah, I'm scared too. Now, the things I didn't like. Everything involving Al. Cameron being a background character even though I think it's for the best since he already won a season (Yeah, Cam's ending is my personal canon one). Gwen being screwed over by karma, fate, and the pick of destiny. Sam being the butt monkey more than usual, and that's saying something. Then, finally the true evil dread of this episode: PUNS. ------End of Spoiler Filled Zone------- Anyway, I'm thinking about starting point and normal commissions, but there will be some restrictions. By some, I mean a lot! I just hope will be able to manage it all. Especially, since I'm still working on my graphic novel. Which I'm still on the first chap. I might start shop next week, but just don't get your hopes up because I'm still thinking this over. Now, I finish off with a RCSRS with Aang reading a line from My Immortal. Aang: "No. No! NO! I am not reading this!" *throws' script and walks out the door*
On second thought, I'll go back to the regular quotes. Audience: "THANK YOU!"
Mood: Lazy
Watching: my brother play GTAV.
Eating: A Subway sandwich
Drinking: Water