Captain's Log #999: Sym-biotic THE HAMMER!!
Originally posted: April 9, 2011
Today folks, another great Gennedy series has been cut short. Sym-biotic Titan will be missed. The Season/Series Finale was awesome though. "THE HAMMER!!" I just uploaded Harold's Facebook Page 7 today. So yeah, enjoy. I'm planning on using the rest of the weekend to rest, and again get some important stuff out the way. I'm not gonna upload anymore of my hand-drawn stuff until I find my old sketchbook so I can upload those hand-drawn pics first. Since I'm gonna be at my dorm for 3 straight weekends (including this one...), that will really be a while. Late Edit: I'm planning on uploading new Harold's Facebook Pages every Saturday so keep an eye out. Late Edit Deux: Sorry for the constant edits.
Mood: Tired
Listening to: my fan cooling me off...
Reading: Toonzone Forums
Eating: A Hot Pocket
Drinking: Sam's Cola