Captain's Log #5417: **** Just Got REAL!
Originally posted: February 25, 2012
Hi Again Guys! I've got epic news for you all. Some is related to what I've been work on and news for my fellow HSDK and Pokemon fans. I'll start on the stuff involving my working on the meantime. Harold's Facebook will return some point this week or so with a two parter for Page 37. Why is Page 37 a two parter? Everything will be revealed when both pages are uploaded, but what I always tell my watchers keep an eye out. Also, I'm working on a my thoughts journal entry on Total Drama Revenge of the Island once it ends in Canada and starts in the US (IF IT EVER GONNA FRIKKIN START!!!). Now for my fellow History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi/Kenichi the Mightiest Disciple fans. This>… <JUST THIS. Enough is said... Now, for the truly important news that I held for pokemon fans. Get your epic music ready because this will rock a hurricane.… My roommate and I flipped about this news because a lot of us where leaning to a Pokemon Version Gray or Ruby and Sapphire remake. The direct sequels to the first two versions was a huge twist! I can't wait to go complete HAM on people with Zekyruem. I end things here but this time with a smile on face. Now excuse me, I must battle my extreme writer's block. See you guys later.
Mood: Happy
Listening to: Must Be Nice (Instrumental) by Lyfe Jennings
Drinking: Water