Captain's Log #4342- Ones and Twos 2?
Originally posted: December 2, 2012
Hello again, folks! Sorry, that I have not made a journal for a while. I'm preparing for finals and as of now things aren't looking good, but I've faced worse so I think I'm safe for now. Anyway, let's get what's need to be said. Harold's Facebook 43 Part 1 and 2 are gonna be put on pause until I REALLY have time to continue to write and conclude the series. Plus, I'm less than half done with Part 1. I will start working on the series again probably around next week if I'm not busy playing Asura's Wrath or Bleach Soul Resurreccion (ECP). While you guys wait for me too work on HF, I will upload more of drawings and parodies to keep things fresh while trying to make Total Drama not the only thing I focus on in this profile. I also want bring that I might not do the DJ spin-off anymore because I want to move to do new stuff. Plus, I don't have time to write recurring stuff anymore because of life in general. Now, that I got those things out of the way. I want to talk about a series I just got into this weekend known as OnePunch-Man. This is the first Seinen ("Not for the Kiddies") manga I have read (not the first that I ever heard of or watched), and I must say with the first 18.5 chapters that it was pretty darn entertaining. ONE's writing and the guy who made Eyeshield 21 art make a very entertaining series with a quite original plot. I recommend at least a marathon read but it might make you want to read more of this manga like I am right now. That's it, folks. I hope to bring in more new things in the future...after I finish finals.
Mood: Stuck
Listening to: Too Close by Alex Clare
Drinking: Cup of Water