Captain's Log #345: Annotated Bibliography Saga
Originally posted: March 31, 2011
I'm currently working on annotated bibliograpghy for my EN 101 class and I'm in a bit of a rut. Thank the heavens above, it's do next week or I would be screwed. As for any new Harold's Facebook installments, I might (remember I said might!) upload a new one this weekend if and only if I get this AB and other important things out of the way. I might get myself a printer/scanner soon so get ready for some of my hand drawn stuff to be uploaded at some point or another. To close, I've been addicted to two songs lately, and it just won't end: One is below and the other is In Those Jeans by Ginuiwine. I just can't stop listening to them. Anyway, that's it for now. Good day.
Mood: Overwhelmed
Listening to: Grind On Me by Pretty Ricky