Captain's Log #251.64: 2011 = A Weird Year
Originally posted: May 3, 2011
Sorry that I haven't been uploading any new Harold's Facebook pages lately. I've been busy with my Finals for college. Now, that I'm done. I will try to uploaded two this week. Don't get your hopes up though. What scares me is that the same night I started studying for my finals, Osama Bin Laden was confirmed dead during my studying O_O. Note to self: studying kills villians. I'm thinking about uploading a few of my drawings again, some point during the summer. So, keep an eye out for those. Either way, I finished with my exams, and is out for the summer, baby!
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Mood: Lazy
Listening to: Read Watching
Watching: Adventure Time! Season Finale
Eating: Breakfast!
Drinking: Water