Captain's Log #2021: Confessions
Originally posted: June 19, 2013
Long time, no see, folks.
Sorry that I haven't been here for while, but I think it was time to explain why I have been coming on here rarely. <b>1. I kind of lost my interest in working on Harold's Facebook.</b> I originally wrote Harold's Facebook as a way to give a fan story that actually not only gave him winning moments but to explore his background a little more like I was hoping would happen to Harold before his early elimination in World Tour. Yet, the further I wanted to extend the story from HF to even a comic about Harold fighting antagonist who seem to come off the craziest parts of my imagination. The more realized that this was a little too much even if most of the stories are parodies of things I saw or experienced (The E-war Arc being outrageous one of those stupid e-wars I've seen since I got onto the internet). I might finally finish the series off one day, but I have more important things to focus on right now. Like... <b> 2. I'm looking for a part time job.</b> Anyone who has went through the hackysack competition called job searching knows what I'm going through right now. So, I'm kind of busy filling in applications for jobs, and I telling you I'm not getting many responses. So, with this free time I have been... <b> 3. I'm working on my own self-published graphic novel.</b> I've been writing series ideas since early childhood. So, I finally working on about 12 years of story building into all the series I ever created. Is kind like a dream come true, but it's kind of looking rough since my materials could run out soon. I'm hoping find a job soon to not only help my family, but fund my graphic volumes as well. So, yeah. I've been busy! But, with the time apart I have a lot of material to write about, but since I might be taking too long. So, I will summarize them. 1. <b> Pokemon X and Y</b> looks amazing, and I can't wait to play it. Chespin will definitely be my main starter this gen. 2. I have been loving these war arcs in Naruto and Bleach lately. I loving how everything seems to be coming in full circle every chapter. I won't spoil anything, just read yourself. 3. Kenichi has been insane since Ogata came, and boy has it got insane. I am loving the development the last arc has been bringing for the characters especially Kenichi and Odin. 4. <b>One Punch Man</b> is getting fierce yet funny as ever. Sea King is all that needs to be explained. Also, I was wrong about One Punch Man being a Seinen manga. Stupid information from untold means. 5. I got into Sekirei recently as well. All I can say is if you can't stand Seinen levels of ecchi fanservice and a geeky main male. I don't recommend this unless you have your own private computer to watch it, but if you watch things for story like I do you might be safe. Ok, so that I got that out of my chest. I'll end which could possible my last blog for a long time. So, to all my friends, watchers, and fellow artist. Good bye. Goku: Until we meet again!
Mood: Thanks
Watching: PILOT NO JUTSU~!
Drinking: Cherry Coke